Roberto Palumbo
Da Mineralogical Record Labels Archive
Roberto Palumbo
Roberto Palumbo was a mineral dealer in Rome, Italy. His first ad in Rocks & Minerals appeared in June 1928. He offered:
"Avogadrite, Cannazzarite, Millosevichite, etc. Cheap specimens from 50c to $2 each, and Museum specimens from $10 up. Rare specimens from Vesuvius. All varieties of Italian minerals. Very fine Museum specimens. Roberto Palumbo, 2 Via G. Fracastoro, Roma (27) Italy."
In June 1930 he published a similar ad:
"Italian Minerals – Superfine Specimens from all countries. New Minerals. Rare old species from Vesuvius. All interesting volcanic minerals. Volcanic rocks. Very cheap prices. Roberto Palumbo, 2 Via Fracastoro, Rome (27), Italy."
He coauthored an article for Rocks & Minerals in April 1945, on the ancient volcano of Latium and the minerals of Ariccia near Rome, giving his address 211 Corso Trieste, Rome. Apparently, according to one of his labels for augite crystals, he also had a farm in Villafranca, Cecchina (Rome).