Roberto Compagnoni
Dal sito http://www.accademiadellescienze.it/accademia/soci/roberto-compagnoni
- Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali
- Professore emerito, già ordinario di Petrografia nell'Università di Torino
- Socio corrispondente dal 14/04/2010 per scienze della terra
- Socio nazionale residente dal 10/04/2013
- Nato a Torino il 05/09/1939
Curriculum vitae
• 1964-1965: Field geologist for the Italian Geological - c/o Institute of Geology - University of Turin
• 1965-1967: Assistente incaricato (Tutor demonstrator equivalent), Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology - University of Turin
• 1967-1977: Assistente ordinario (Lecturer equivalent), Institute of Petrology - University of Turin
• 1977-1980: Professore incaricato (Assistant Professor equivalent) of Applied Petrology - Institute of Petrology - University of Turin
• 1980-1983: Professore Strordinario (Associate Professor equivalent) of Petrology - Dept. of Earth Sciences - University of Calabria
• 1983-1984: Pofessore ordinario (Full Professor) of Petrology and Chairman - Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Calabria
• 1984-1985: Full Professor, Petrology - Dept. of Earth Sciences - University of Calabria
• 1985-1991: Full Professor, Petrology - Dept. of Earth Sciences - University of Turin
• 1992-1995: Full Professor, Petrology - Dept. of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences- University of Turin
• 1995-2002: Full Professor, Metamorphic Petrology - Dept. of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences - University of Turin
• 2003-2009: Full Professor, Petrology - Dept. of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences - University of Turin
Scientific awards and honorifics
• 23 May 2002: Honorary professor of the "Alexandru Joan Cuza" University, lasi (Romania)
• 18 June 2004: Awarded the prize «Prof. Luigi Tartufari» for Geology, Paleontology, Mineralogy of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome
• 25 Nov. 2008: Awarded the «Grand Prix Leon Lutaud» de l'Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de France, Paris
Research activity
- metamorphic petrology: reconstruction of the P-T path and fluid-rock interaction of high-pressure and ultra high-pressure metamorphic rocks of both Continental and Oceanic crust from the western Alps, Calabria and Sicily (Italy), Dabie Shan and Sulu (China), and Sifnos, Cyclades (Greece);
- fluid-rock interaction during subduction with special attention to the origin of "whiteschists" (continental crust) and jadeitites (oceanic lithosphere);
- stratigraphy and metamorphic evolution of the crystalline basements from the western Alps (Helvetic, Penninic and Austroalpine domains), and the Calabrian-Peloritan Arc, southern Italy;
- petrology and evolution of serpentinized ultramafics with special attention to the development of rodingites and metamorphic veins with fibrous minerals;
- archeometry of south European "jades" and studies on rock deterioration and conservation of Italian monuments;
- popularization of geology and petrology of the western Alps and Calabrian-Peloritan Arc, southern Italy.
The research activity is documented by about 160 articles mainly published in International Journals, and 5 geological maps.