Paolo Ballirano
In suo onore fu denominata la specie BALLIRANOITE (Na,K)6Ca2(Si6Al6O24)Cl2(CO3) (2008)
Mineralogista e cristallografo italiano. Docente di mineralogia e cristallografia presso la Sezione di Mineralogia e Cristallografia del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università "La Sapienza" di Roma. Specialista dei minerali del gruppo della cancrinite, ha elaborato anche varie tecniche analitiche per lo studio diffrattometrico dei minerali, dei pigmenti e di altri materiali organici ed inorganici. È stato membro delle principali associazioni cristallografiche italiane ed internazioni, tra cui la Mineralogical Society of America, l’International Centre for Diffraction Data e l’Associazione Italiana di cristallografia.
Dal sito dell’Università di Roma 1
Born in 1964 in Roma, has obtained a degree magna cum laude in Geological Sciences at Sapienza University of Roma in July 1990. In June 1991 was the winner of two competitions for a ministerial three years project (Ph.D. Grants "Earth Sciences" and Chemical Sciences") both at Sapienza University of Roma. He opted for the Ph.D. project "Earth Sciences" and obtained the PhD degree, in September 1994, successfully defending the thesis "Cristalchemistry of cancrinite-group minerals". During the period September 1991-May 1992 was Visiting Scientist at the Depts. of Geology and Chemistry/Biochemistry, Arizona State University, USA. In May 1992 was the winner of a NATO Travel Grant for attending the International School of Crystallography: Modern Perspective in Inorganic Crystal Chemistry, Erice. In June 1994 received the S.I.M.P. prize (Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia) for the best Ph.D. thesis of mineralogical subject of the year. During the period November 1994-November 1996 obtained a Post Doc position at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Pisa. During the period December 1996-October 1998 obtained several short research contracts with the Department of Earth Sciences of Sapienza University of Roma. In May 1997 was elected (first Italian) Active Member of the International Centre for Diffraction Data (I.C.D.D.). In December 1997 was the winner of a Travel Grant of the European Mineralogical Union (EMU) for attending the Modul'97 school, Budapest, Hungary. In September 1998 received the Ugo Panichi Prize from S.I.M.P. as the best Italian young researcher in the mineralogical field for the period 1996-1998. During the period October 1998-March 1999 was in charge of the X-ray diffraction labs of CTG S.p.A. Italcementi group, Bergamo. In May 1999 obtained the position of Researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences at Sapienza University of Roma. In July 2002 he obtained the suitability for the Associate Professor position at the national competition (GEO/06) at Palermo, III sessione 2001. In June 2003 was the winner of a NATO Travel Grant for attending the International School of Crystallography: High Pressure Crystallography, Erice. In September 2003 was included in the "Albo degli Esperti" (art. 7 comma 1 del Decreto Legislativo n. 297 del 27-7-1999) with MMIUR decree n. 1543 8-9- 2003. In February 2004 was selected for the position of Associate Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences of Sapienza University of Roma. From 1-1-2005 is in service as Associate Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences of Sapienza University of Roma. The principal research area is the characterization by modern analytical methods (X-ray powder and single-crystal diffraction, TEM, IR and Raman spectroscopy, calorimetry) and calculations (abinitio structure determination, molecular dynamics) of pseudozeolite minerals, fibres, nanomaterials, inorganic and organic materials, pigments, and cement phases. He is also involved in the development of new X-ray diffraction techniques and their application to the kinetics of phase transitions. He is the author or co-author of more than 160 papers, poster, and oral presentations. The mineral Balliranoite (Chukanov et al., 2010: Eur. J. Mineral. 22, 113-119) has been named in his honour because of his scientific contribution to the crystal chemical and structural characterization of pseudozeolite minerals.