Marco Amabili
Traduzione adattata da "Private Mineral Collections in Italy" - Supplemento del Mineralogical Record 1, 2011.
Marco Amabili si divertiva sin da bambino a raccogliere piccoli cristalli di quarzo con i suoi genitori; venne introdotto alla mineralogia veras e propria grazie ad alcuni amici di Roma ed al cugino di sua madre, Paolo Colzada, un collezionista pioniere della zona del Lago di Como. Marco inizia a collezionare seriamente minerali nel 1992, ma il momento determinante fu in occasione di una sua visita alle miniere di amianto Jeffrey mine di Asbestos nel 1997. Rimase affascinato dai granati e dalle vesuviane di quella località, e da allora ha cercato di assemblare la miglior suite possibile di campioni da collezione provenienti da questa località, una suite che oggi rappresenta il cuore della sua collezione (ved. immagini di Roberto Appiani).
L'ingresso nella facoltà di Ingegneria nell'Università McGill di Montreal e la successiva cattedra da responsabile della ricerca lo hanno portato ad una maggior vicinanza con la miniera.
Marco è particolarmente attratto da quei campioni che presentano un'estetica unica ed hanno un forte potere emozionale all'impatto a prima vista.
Da Wikipedia
Marco Amabili is a Professor who holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Mechanical Engineering at McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada.
Amabili is very well known for the study of nonlinear vibrations and dynamic stability of shell and plate structures, a subject to which he has given many contributions. Professor Amabili serves as Contributing Editor for International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics (Elsevier). He is also Associate Editor of the Journal of Fluids and Structures,[2] Elsevier,[3] Applied Mechanics Reviews, ASME,[4] Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines.[5] He is member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier, and International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. He has been the Chair of the ASME Technical Committee Dynamics and Control of Systems and Structures.
Professor Amabili is working in the area of vibrations, nonlinear dynamics and stability of thin-walled structures, reduced-order models and fluid-structure interaction. His research is multi-disciplinary, and it has been utilized in the design and analysis of aeronautical and aerospace structures, laminated and FGM shell structures, human blood flow problems in aorta, safety of pressure tanks and innovative flow-meters. Amabili is the author of about 400 papers (190 in referred international journals) in vibrations and dynamics and has achieved an h-Index 39. He is the author of the monograph Nonlinear Vibrations and Stability of Shells and Plates published by Cambridge University Press.
Amabili, together with M.P. Païdoussis and F. Pellicano, has showed for the first time the strongly subcritical behavior of the stability of circular cylindrical shells conveying flow . A series of papers presented theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations, showing that a supported circular shell made of aluminum, plastic or rubber presents divergence for much smaller velocity than predicted by linear theory. Amabili developed in 2014 an innovative 8-parameter thickness deformation shell theory that retains the geometric nonlinear terms in all the 8 parameters describing the shell deformation. This theory is particularly suitable to model soft tissues.