Francesco Di Renzo
In suo onore è stata denominata la specie Direnzoite (NaK6MgCa2(Al13Si47)O120 · 36H2O)
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With a formation in chemical engineering and a PhD in industrial chemistry, I spent my research career in the research units of CNRS and ENSCM (Ecole Nationale de Chimie de Montpellier), notably by leading the MACS (Matériaux Avancés pour la Catalyse et la Santé) team of the Institut Charles Gerhardt. My activity was always directed to the elaboration of heterogeneous catalysts, both for oil refinery and the valorisation of natural resources. The control of the texture and the characterisation of porous materials (zeolites, micelle-templated silicates, nano-oxides, polysaccharide aerogels) have been at the centre of my research. Currently I coordinate the Montpellier participation to the Erasmus Mundus doctorate Sinchem (Sustainable Industrial Chemistry) and to the Tassili program Matériaux Poreux pour l'Environnement et la Santé.
200 scientific papers authored, 10 international patents.