Fernando Camara
Segnalato dal Dott. Giancarlo Cabodi.
Nato a Melilla (Spagna) il 24/5/1967, fa parte da molti anni della comunità accademica italiana. Attualmente Professore di I fascia, Scuola di Scienze della Natura, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Torino.
Formazione accademica:
• 12/1995 Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze Geologiche, Università di Granada (Spagna).
• Argomento di Tesi: Studio cristallochimico di minerali metamorfici in rocce mafiche del Complesso Nevado-Filabride Complex (Betic Cordilleras, Spagna).
• Relatore di tesi: Prof. Fernando Nieto García
• 07/1990 Laurea in Scienze Geologiche, Università di Granada, Spagna
Attività professionale:
• 1/09/2016-presente: Professore I fascia, Scuola di Scienze della Natura, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra “Ardito Desio”, Università di Milano, Italy.
• 11/2010-31/8-2016: Professore I fascia, Scuola di Scienze della Natura, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Torino, Italy.
• 01/2006-1/11-2010: Primo Ricercatore, II livello professionale a tempo indeterminato. CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – Pavia, Italy.
• 27/12/2001-2005: Ricercatore, III livello professionale a tempo indeterminato. CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse –Pavia, Italia.
• 01/2001-12/2001: Ricercatore, III livello professionale ai sensi dell’art.36 Legge n.70/75. Presso il CNR-Centro di Studio per la Cristallochimica e la Cristallografia, Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italia
• 01/2000-12/2000: Ricercatore Post-doct a contratto, EU Network on Mineral Transformations (ERB-FMRX-CT97-0108) presso il CNR-Centro di Studio per la Cristallochimica e la Cristallografia, Pavia, Italia. Referente: Prof. MC Domeneghetti
• 01/1999-12/1999: Ricercatore Post-doct a contratto, EU Network on Mineral Transformations (ERB-FMRX-CT97-0108) presso il Laboratoire de Structure et Propriétés de l’État Solide, ESA 8008, CNRS, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Francia. Referente: Prof. JC Doukhan
• 12/1997-12/1998: Ricercatore Assistente Post-doct a contratto, Department of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. Referente: Prof. P. Buseck
• 01/1996-12/1997: Ricercatore Post-doct borsista "Programa de Formación de Personal Investigador en el Extranjero", M.E.C. DGICYT, Spain presso il CNR-CSCC Pavia, Italia. Referente Prof. L. Ungaretti
• 01/1991-12/1994: Borsista Dottorato di ricerca, Plan Nacional de Formación de Personal Investigador, M.E.C. DGICYT, Spagna, presso la Facultad de Ciencias, Unersidad de Granada, Granada, Spagna.
• 2010 Fellow della Mineralogical Society of America
• 2009 Il nuovo minerale CÁMARAITE è stato nominato in onore di Fernando Cámara in riconoscimento dei suoi contributi nei campi della mineralogia e la cristallografia.
• 2008 finanziamento attraverso il “Short Term Mobility Program 2008” C.N.R. per uno stage presso l’Università di Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
• 1995-1996 Premio alla migliore tesi di dottorato in Geologia, Università di Granada, Spagna.
• 1990 Premio Nazionale di Laurea in Geologia. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia M.E.C., Spagna
• 1990 Premio Nazionale di Laurea in Geologia. Academia de Ciencias Matemáticas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales de Granada, Spagna
Servizi Professionali:
• Editore Associato del Mineralogical Magazine (2006-2013) ed Editore di Strutture Cristalline (2006-2012)
• Referee per diversi giornali scientifici: American Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Canadian Mineralogist, Meteoritics, Mineralogical Magazine, Polyhedron Acta Crystallographica, Mineralogy and Petrology, Acta Crystallographica, Journal of Applied Crystallography.
• Membro del Lecture Committee della Mineralogical Society of America, 2003-2005.
• Membro del comitato direttivo del Gruppo Nazionale di Mineralogia italiano (2009-2012)
Organizzazione congressi:
• Membro del comitato scientifico del congresso 82°CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIMP “L’arco Calabro-Peloritano e il Tirreno meridionale: vent’anni dopo” (Cosenza, CO, 18-20 settembre 2002).
• Co-convenor e co-chair sessione GMPV13-Phase transitions in mineralogical systems: from theory to experimental and natural observations durante la General Assembly European Geosciences Union, 2008 Vienna, 13-18 Aprile 2008.
• Membro del comitato organizzatore del congresso 1st SIMP-AIC JOINT MEETING, “Learning from and for the Planet Earth. Structures and Models in Earth, Materials and Life Sciences” (Sestri Levante, GE, 7-12 Settembre 2008). (http://simp.dst.unipi.it/SIMP-AIC2008/home.htm)
• Convenor e chair della sessione MS 16: “Crystal chemistry and phase transitions in materials at non-ambient conditions” durante il 27th European Crystallographic Meeting, Bergen, Norway, 6-11 Agosto 2012.
• Co-convenor e co-chair della sessione 6a “Handling structural complexity: theoretical and experimental methods applied to unravel structural hierarchies”, Convenors: T. Balic , O.I. Siidra , F. Cámara, durante l’European Mineralogical Conference 2012, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2-6 Settembre 2012.
• Membro del comitato organizzatore del GMT2014 Giornate Mineralogiche di Tavagnasco, Tavagnasco (Torino, Italy, 6-8 June 2014 ) (http://www.mintavagnasco.it/)
• Membro del comitato organizzatore del convegno “Impact of Crystallography on Modern Sciences”. Academy of Sciences of Turin, (25 June 2014 Torino, Italy) (http://www.accademiadellescienze.it/attivita/iniziative-culturali/convegno-cristallografia).
Papers Submitted for Publication
• Bosi, F., Cámara, F., Ciriotti, M.E., Hålenius, U., Reznitskii, L., Stagno, V. (2016) Crystal-chemical relations and classification problems in tourmalines belonging to the oxy-schorl – oxy-dravite – bosiite – povondraite series. European Journal of Mineralogy, (in press)
Papers accepted or in press
• Cámara F., Sokolova, E., Abdu Y., Pautov, L.A. (2016) From structure topology to chemical composition. XIX. Titanium silicates: revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of bafertisite, Ba2Fe2+4Ti2(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2F2, a Group-II TS-block mineral. Canadian Mineralogist, (in press)
• Sokolova, E. and Cámara F (2016) From structure topology to chemical composition. XXI. Understanding the crystal chemistry of barium in TS-block minerals. Canadian Mineralogist, (in press)
• Cámara, F., Sokolova, E., Hawthorne, F.C. (2016) From structure topology to chemical composition. XXII. Titanium silicates: revision of the crystal structure of jinshajiangite, NaBaFe2+4Ti2(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2F, a Group-II TS-block mineral. Canadian Mineralogist, (in press)
Published Paper
• 124 Pastero L., Arletti R., Cámara F., Gigli L., Cagnoni M. (2016) Synthesis and structure determination of a novel aluminophosphate TL-1: A new layered compound with corner-sharing AlX6 chains. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 242, 38–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2016.07.010
• 123 Kampf, A.R., Cámara, F., Ciriotti, M.E., Nash, B.P., Balestra, C. and Chiappino, L. (2016) Castellaroite, Mn2+3(AsO4)2·4.5H2O, a new mineral from Italy related to metaswitzerite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28, 687–696. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2016/0028-2535
• 122 Cámara, F., Sokolova, E., Abdu, Y.A., Hawthorne, F.C., Charrier, T., Dorcet, V. and Carpentier, J.-F. (2016) Fogoite-(Y), Na3Ca2Y2Ti(Si2O7)2OF3, a Group-I TS-block mineral from the Lagoa do Fogo, the Fogo volcano, the São Miguel Island, the Azores: Description and crystal structure Mineralogical Magazine, http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2016.080.103
• 121 Cámara, F., Bittarello, E., Ciriotti, M.E., Nestola, F., Radica, F., Massimi, F., Balestra, C., and Bracco, R. (2016) As-bearing new mineral species from Valletta mine, Maira Valley, Piedmont, Italy: III. Canosioite, Ba2Fe3+ (AsO4)2(OH), description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2016.080.097
• 120 Sokolova, E., Cámara F., Hawthorne, F.C., and Ciriotti, M. (2016) Lobanovite, K2Na(Fe2+4Mg2Na)Ti2(Si4O12)2O2(OH)4, a new mineral of the astrophyllite supergroup and its relation to magnesioastrophyllite. Mineralogical Magazine¸ http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2016.080.088
• 119 Sokolova, E., Cámara F., Hawthorne, F.C., and Ciriotti, M. (2016) The astrophyllite supergroup: nomenclature and classification. Mineralogical Magazine, http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2016.080.077
• 118 Oberti, R., Boiocchi, M., Hawthorne, F.C., Ball, N.A., Cámara, F., Pagano, R. and Pagano, A. (2016) Ferro-ferri-hornblende from the Traversella Mine (Ivrea, Italy): occurrence, mineral description and crystal-chemistry. Mineralogical Magazine, http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2016.080.060
• 117 Sokolova, E., Cámara F., Hawthorne, F.C., Pautov, L.A. (2016) From structure topology to chemical composition. XX. Titanium silicates: revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of hejtmanite, Ba2Mn2+4Ti2(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2F2, a Group-II TS-block mineral. Mineralogical Magazine, http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2016.080.026
• 116 Sokolova, E., Abdu Y., Hawthorne, F.C., Genovese, A., Cámara F., and Khomyakov, A.P. (2015) From structure topology to chemical composition. XVIII. Titanium silicates: revision of the crystal structure and chemical
• formula of betalomonosovite, a group-IV mineral from the Lovozero Alkaline Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Canadian Mineralogist, 53(3), 421-428. http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.1400044
• 115 Sokolova, E., Cámara F., Abdu Y., Hawthorne, F.C., Horváth, L. and Pfenninger-Horváth, E. (2015) Bobshannonite, Na2KBa(Mn,Na)7(Nb,Ti)4(Si2O7)4O4(OH)4(O,F)2, a new titanium-silicate mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada: Description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 79(7), 1791-1811. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2015.079.7.06
• 114 Palatinus, L., Corrêa, C. A., Steciuk, G., Jacob, D., Roussel, P., Boullay, P. M. Klementová, M. Gemmi, J. Kopecek, M. C. Domeneghetti, F. Cámara & V. Petrícek (2015).Structure refinement using precession electron diffraction tomography and dynamical diffraction: tests on experimental data. Acta Crystallographica, B71, http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S2052520615017023
• 113 Bittarello, E., Cámara, F., Ciriotti, M.E., and Marengo, A. (2015) Ottensite, brizziite and mopungite from Pereta mine (Tuscany, Italy): New occurrences and crystal structure refinement of mopungite. Mineralogy and Petrology, 109, 431-442. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00710-015-0375-5
• 112 Oberti, R., Boiocchi, M., Hawthorne, F.C., Cámara, F., Ciriotti, M.E., Berge, S.A. (2015) Ti-rich fluoro-richterite with a significant oxo-component from Kariåsen (Norway). The oxo-component and the use of Ti4+ as a proxy. Canadian Mineralogist, ON-LINE http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.1400059
• 111 Cámara, F., Bittarello, E., Ciriotti, M.E., Nestola, F., Radica, F., and Marchesini, M. (2015) As-bearing new mineral species from Valletta mine, Maira Valley, Piedmont, Italy: II. Braccoite, NaMn2+5[Si5AsO17(OH)](OH), description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 79(1), 171-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2015.07
• 110 Alvaro, M., Domeneghetti, M.C., Fioretti, A.M., Cámara, F., and Marinangeli, L. (2015) A new calibration to determine the closure temperatures of Fe-Mg ordering in augite from nakhlites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 50(3), 499–507. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/maps.12436
• 109 Vankova, S., Zanarini, S., Amici, J., Cámara, F., Arletti, R., Bodoardo, S., Penazzi, N. (2015) WO3 nanorolls self-assembled as thin films by hydrothermal synthesis. Nanoscale, 7, 7174-7177 http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4nr07290a
• 108 Pandolfo, F., Cámara, F., Domeneghetti, M.C., Alvaro, M., Nestola, F., Karato, S.-I., and Amulele, G. (2015) Volume thermal expansion along the jadeite-diopside join. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 42(1), 1-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-014-0694-9
• 107 Rolfo F., Benna P, Cadoppi P., Castelli D., Favero-Longo S.E., Giardino M., Balestro G., Belluso E., Borghi A, Cámara F., Compagnoni R., Ferrando S., Festa A., Forno M.G., Giacometti F., Gianotti F., Groppo C., Lombardo B, Mosca P., Perrone G., Piervittori R., Rebay G., Rossetti P. (2015). The Monviso Massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the Alpine chain and geological heritage in Piemonte, Italy. Geoheritage, 7(1), 65-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12371-014-0097-9
• 106 Cámara, F., Sokolova, E., Abdu, Y., and Hawthorne, F.C. (2014) Saamite, Ba()TiNbNa₃Ti(Si₂O₇)₂O₂(OH)₂(H₂O)₂, a Group-III Ti-disilicate mineral from the Khibiny Alkaline Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia: description and crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 52(4), 745-762. http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.1400043
• 105 Sokolova, E., Cámara F. (2014) From structure topology to chemical composition. XVII. Fe3+ versus Ti4+: the topology of the HOH layer in ericssonite-2O, Ba2Fe3+2Mn4(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2, ferroericssonite, Ba2Fe3+2Fe2+4(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2, and yoshimuraite, Ba4Ti4+2Mn4(Si2O7)2(PO4)2O2(OH)2. Canadian Mineralogist, 52, 569-576. http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.52.3.569
• 104 Cámara, F., Sokolova, E., Abdu Y., and Hawthorne, F.C. (2014) Nafertisite, Na3Fe2+10Ti2(Si6O17)2O2(OH)6F(H2O)2, from Mt. Kukisvumchorr, Khibiny Alkaline Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia: Refinement of the crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 689-700. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2014/0026-2401
• 103 Cámara, F., Ciriotti, M.E, Bittarello, E., Nestola, F., Massimi, F., Radica, F., Costa, E., Benna, P., and Piccoli, G.C. (2014) As-bearing new mineral species from Valletta mine, Maira Valley, Piedmont, Italy: I. Grandaite, Sr2Al(AsO4)2(OH), description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 78(3), 757-774. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2014.078.3.21
• 102 Della Ventura, G., Bellatreccia, F., Cámara, F., and Oberti, R. (2014) Crystal-chemistry and short-range order of fluoro-edenite: a combined x-ray diffraction and FTIR spectroscopic approach. Mineralogical Magazine, 78(2), 239-310. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2014.078.2.05
• 101 Lotti, P., Gatta, G.D., Rotiroti, N., Cámara, F., Harlow, G.E. (2014) The high-pressure behavior of balliranoite: a cancrinite-group mineral. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie–Crystalline Materials, 229 (2), 63-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/zkri-2013-1626 8
• 100 Gatta, G.D., Comboni, D., Alvaro, M., Lotti, P., Cámara, F., and M.C. Domeneghetti (2014) Thermoelastic behavior and dehydration process of cancrinite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 41(5), 373-386. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-014-0656-2
• 99 Sokolova, E. and Cámara, F. (2013) From structure topology to chemical composition. XVI. New developments in the crystal chemistry and prediction of new structure topologies for titanium disilicate minerals with the TS block. Canadian Mineralogist, 51, 861-891, http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.51.6.861
• 98 Cámara, F., Sokolova, E., Abdu, Y., Hawthorne, F.C., Khomyakov, A.P. (2013) Kolskyite, (Ca)Na2Ti4(Si2O7)2O4(H2O)7, a group-IV Ti-disilicate mineral from the Khibiny Alkaline Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia: description and crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 51, . 921-936 http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.51.6.921
• 97 Arletti, R., Vezzalini, G., Quartieri, S., Cámara, F., and Alvaro, M. (2013) A new framework topology in the dehydrated form of zeolite levyne. American Mineralogist, 98, 2063–2074. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2013.4583
• 96 Cámara, F., Sokolova, Hawthorne, F.C., Rowe, R., Grice, J.D., and Tait, K. (2013) Veblenite, K22Na(Fe2+5 Fe3+4 Mn2+7)Nb3Ti(Si2O7)2(Si8O22)2O6(OH)10(H2O)3, a new mineral from Seal Lake, Newfoundland and Labrador: mineral description, crystal structure, and a new veblenite Si8O22 ribbon. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 2955–2974. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2013.077.7.06
• 95 Domeneghetti, M.C., Fioretti, A.M., Cámara, F., McCammon, C. and Alvaro, M. (2013) Thermal history of nakhlites: a comparison between MIL03346 and its terrestrial analogue Theo's flow. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 121, 571-581. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2013.07.044
• 94 Jacob, D., Palatinus, L., Cuvillier, P., Leroux, H., Domeneghetti, M.C. and Cámara, F. (2013) Ordering state in orthopyroxene as determined by precession electron diffraction. American Mineralogist, 98, 1526-1534. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2013.4296
• 93 Biagioni, C., Bonaccorsi, E., Cámara, F., Cadoni, M., Ciriotti, M.E., Bersani, D., Kolitsch, U. (2013) Lusernaite-(Y), Y4Al(CO3)2(OH,F)11∙6H2O, a new mineral species from Luserna Valley, Piedmont, Italy: description and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 98, 1322-1329 http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2013.4366
• 92 Hawthorne F.C., Cooper M.A., Ball N.B., Černý P., Cámara F., Laurs B.M. (2012) Billwiseite, Sb3+5Nb3WO18, a new oxide mineral from the Stak Nala Pegmatite, Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif, Pakistan: description and crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 50, 805-814. http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.50.4.805
• 91 Nestola, F., Cámara F., Chukanov, N.V., Atencio, D., Coutinho, J.M.V., Contreira Filho, R.R., and Färber G. (2012) Witzkeite: a new rare nitrate-sulphate mineral from a guano deposit at Punta de Lobos, Chile. American Mineralogist, 97, 1783-1787. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2012.4109
• 90 Cámara F., Bellatreccia, F., Della Ventura, G., Gunter, M.E., Sebastiani, M., and Cavallo, A. (2012) Kircherite, a new mineral of the cancrinite - sodalite group with a 36-layer stacking sequence: occurrence and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 97, 1494-1504. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2012.4033
• 89 Cámara F., Nestola F., Bindi L., Guastoni A., Zorzi F., Peruzzo L., Pedron D. (2012) Tazzoliite: a new mineral with a pyrochlore-related structure from Euganei hills, Padova (Italy). Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 827-838. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2012.076.4.01
• 88 Alvaro, M., Angel, R.J., and Cámara, F. (2012) High-pressure behaviour of zoisite. American Mineralogist, 97, 1165-1176. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2012.4014
• 87 Lotti, P., Gatta G.D., Rotiroti, N., and Cámara, F. (2012) High-pressure study of a natural cancrinite. American Mineralogist, 97, 872-882. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2012.4039
• 86 Cámara, F., Sokolova, and Hawthorne, F.C. (2012) Kazanskyite, BaTiNbNa3Ti(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2(H2O)4, a Group-III Ti-disilicate mineral from the Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia: description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 473-492. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2012.076.3.03
• 85 Pandolfo F., Nestola F., Cámara F., and Domeneghetti M.C. (2012) New thermoelastic parameters of natural C2/c omphacite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39, 295-304. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-012-0484-1
• 84 Pandolfo F., Nestola F., Cámara F., and Domeneghetti M.C. (2012) High-pressure behavior of P2/n omphacite. American Mineralogist , 97, 407-412. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2012.3928
• 83 Cámara, F., Gatta G.D., Meuven M. and Pasqual D. (2012) Thermal expansion and high temperature structure evolution of zoisite by singlecrystal x-ray and neutron diffraction. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39, 27-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-011-0457-9
• 82 Bonaccorsi, E., Ballirano, P. and CámaraU, UFU. (2012) The crystal structure of sacrofanite, the 74 Å phase of the cancrinite–sodalite supergroup. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 147, 318–326. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micromeso.2011.06.033
• 81 Khomyakov, A.P., Cámara, F., Sokolova, E., Abdu, Y and Hawthorne, F.C. (2011) Sveinbergeite, Ca(Fe2+6Fe3+)Ti2 (Si4O12)2O2(OH)5(H2O)4, a new astrophyllite-group mineral species from the Larvik Complex, Oslo Region, Norway: Description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 2687-2702. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2011.075.5.2687
• 80 Sokolova, E., CámaraU, UFU., and Hawthorne, F.C. (2011) From structure topology to chemical composition. XI. Titanium silicates: crystal structures of innelite-1T and innelite-2M from the Inagli massif, Yakutia, Russia, and the crystal chemistry of innelite. Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 2495–2518. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2011.075.4.2495
• 79 Cámara, F., Sokolova, E. and Hawthorne, F.C. (2011) From structure topology to chemical composition. XII. Titanium silicates: the crystal chemistry of rinkite, Na2Ca4 REETi(Si2O7)2OF3. Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 2755-2774. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2011.075.6.2755
• 78 Alvaro, M., UCámaraU, UFU., Domeneghetti, M.C., Nestola, F. and Tazzoli, V. (2011) HT P21/c to C2/c phase transition and kinetics of Fe2+-Mg order-disorder of an Fe-poor pigeonite: implications for cooling history of ureilites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 162, 599-613. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-011-0614-7
• 77 Welch, M.D., UCámaraU, UFU., Oberti, R. (2011) Thermoelasticity and high-T behaviour of anthophyllite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38, 321–334. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-010-0406-z
• 76 Alvaro, M., Nestola, F., UCámaraU, UFU., Domeneghetti, M.C. and Tazzoli, V. (2011) High-pressure displacive phase transition of a natural Mg-rich pigeonite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38, 379-385. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-010-0411-2
• 75 UCámaraU, UFU., Hawthorne, F.C., Ball, N.A., Bekenova, G., Stepanov, A.V. and Kotel’nikov, P.E. (2010) Fluoroleakeite, Na Na2 (Mg2 Fe3+2 Li) Si8 O22 F2, a new mineral of the amphibole group from the Verkhnee Espe deposit, Akjailyautas Mountains, Eastern Kazakhstan District, Kazakhstan: Description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 74, 521-528. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2010.074.3.521
• 74 Khomyakov, A.P., UCámaraU, UFU., Sokolova, E., Abdu, Y and Hawthorne, F.C. (2010) Paraershovite, Na3K3Fe3+2 (Si4O10OH)2(OH)2(H2O)4, a new mineral species from the Khibina alkaline massif, Kola peninsula, Russia: mineral description and crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 48, 279-290. http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.48.2.279
• 73 Khomyakov, A.P., UCámaraU, UFU., and Sokolova, E., (2010) Carbobystrite, Na8(Al6Si6O24)(CO3) · 4H2O, a new cancrinite-group mineral from the Khibina alkaline massif, Kola peninsula, Russia: mineral description and crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist , 48, 291-300. http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.48.2.291
• 72 Redhammer, G.J., UCámaraU, UFU., Alvaro, M., Nestola, F., Tippelt, G., Prinz, S., Simons, J., Roth, G., Amthauer, G. (2010) Thermal expansion and high temperature P21/c - C2/c phase transition in clinopyroxene-type LiFeGe2O6 and comparison to NaFe(Si,Ge)2O6. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 37, 685-704. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-010-0368-1
• 71 Tribaudino, M., Angel, R.J, UCámaraU, UFU., Nestola, F., Pasqual, D. Margiolaki, I. (2010) Thermal expansion of plagioclase feldspars. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 60, 899–908. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-010-0513-3
• 70 UCámaraU, UFU., Sokolova, E., Abdu, Y and Hawthorne, F.C. (2010) The crystal structures of niobophyllite, kupletskite-(Cs) and Sn-rich astrophyllite: revisions to the crystal chemistry of the astrophyllite-group minerals. Canadian Mineralogist, 48, 1-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.48.1.1
• 69 Guastoni, A., UCámaraU, UFU. and Nestola, F. (2010) Arsenic-rich beta-fergusonite-(Y) from Mount Cervandone (Western Alps, Italy): crystal structure and genetic implications. American Mineralogist, 95, 487-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2009.3060
• 68 UCámaraU, UFU., Bellatreccia, F., Della Ventura, G., Mottana, A., Bindi, L., Gunter, M., and Sebastiani, M. (2010) Fantappièite, a new mineral of the cancrinite - sodalite group with a 33-layer stacking sequence: occurrence and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 95, 472-480. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2010.3279
• 67 Alvaro, M., Nestola, F., Boffa-Ballaran, T., UCámaraU, UFU., Domeneghetti, M.C., Tazzoli, V. (2010) High-pressure phase transition of natural pigeonite. American Mineralogist, 95, 300-311. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2010.3175
• 66 UCámaraU, UFU., Sokolova, E. and Nieto, F. (2009) Cámaraite, Ba3NaTi4(Fe2+,Mn)8 (Si2O7)4O4 (OH,F)7. II. The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of a new group-II Ti-disilicate mineral. Mineralogical Magazine, 73, 855-870. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2009.073.5.855
• 65 UCámaraU, UFU. and Sokolova, E. (2009) From structure topology to chemical composition. X. Titanium silicates: the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of nechelyustovite, a group III Ti-disilicate mineral. Mineralogical Magazine, 73, 753-775. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2009.073.5.753
• 64 Oberti, R., UCámaraU, UFU., Hawthorne, F.C., Ball, N.A. (2009) Fluoro-aluminoleakeite, Na Na2 (Mg2Al2Li) Si8O22 F2, a new mineral of the amphibole group from Norra Kärr, Sweden: Description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 73, 817-824. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2009.073.5.817
• 63 Sokolova, E., UCámaraU, UFU., Hawthorne, F.C. and Abdu, Y. (2009) From structure topology to chemical composition. VII. Titanium silicates: the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of jinshajiangite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 21, 871-883. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2009/0021-1945
• 62 UCámaraU UFU., Nestola F., Angel, R.J. and Ohashi, H. (2009) Spontaneous strain variations through the low temperature displacive phase transition of LiGaSi2O6 clinopyroxene. European Journal of Mineralogy, 21, 599-614. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2009/0021-1926
• 61 Nestola F., Guastoni, A., UCámaraU UFU., Secco L., Dal Negro L., Pedron D., Beran A. (2009) Aluminocerite-Ce: a new species from Baveno, Italy: Description and crystal-structure determination. American Mineralogist, 94, 487-493. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2009.3060
• 60 UCámaraU, UFU., Sokolova, E., Hawthorne, F.C. and Abdu, Y. (2008) From structure topology to chemical composition. IX. Titanium silicates: revision of the crystal chemistry of lomonosovite and murmanite, Group-IV minerals. Mineralogical Magazine, 72, 1207–1228. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2008.072.6.1207
• 59 Sokolova, E. and UCámaraU, UFU. (2008) From structure topology to chemical composition. VIII. Titanium silicates: the crystal chemistry of mosandrite from type locality of Låven (Skådön), Langesundsfjorden, Larvik, Vestfold, Norway. Mineralogical Magazine, 72, 887-897. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2008.072.4.887
• 58 Della Ventura, G, Bellatreccia F., Iezzi, G., Oberti, R. and UCámaraU, UFU. (2008) The P21/m C2/m phase-transition in synthetic amphiboles in the system Li2O-Na2O-MgO-SiO2-H2O: an high-T FTIR study. European Journal of Mineralogy, 20, 1019-1026. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2008/0020-1836
• 57 Sokolova, E. and UCámaraU, UF.U (2008) From structure topology to chemical composition. IV. Titanium silicates: crystal chemistry of barytolamprophyllite. Canadian Mineralogist,46, 403-412. http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.46.2.403
• 56 UCámaraU, UF.,U Oberti, R., Ottolini, L., Della Ventura, G. and Bellatreccia, F. (2008) The crystal-chemistry of Li in gadolinite: a multi-analytical approach. American Mineralogist, 93, 996-1004. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2008.2748
• 55 Sokolova, E. and UCámaraU, UFU. (2008) Re-investigation of the crystal structure of magnesium astrophyllite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 20,253-260. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2008/0020-1796
• 54 UCámaraU, UFU., Oberti, R., Casati, N. (2008) The P21/m↔C2/m phase transition in amphiboles: new data on synthetic Na(NaMg)Mg5Si8O22F2 and the role of differential polyhedral expansion. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 223, 150-161. http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/zkri.2008.0012
• 53 UCámaraU, UFU. and Sokolova, E. (2007) From structure topology to chemical composition. IV. Titanium silicates: the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of bornemanite, a group III Ti-disilicate mineral. Mineralogical Magazine, 71, 593-610. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2007.071.6.593
• 52 Fioretti, A.M., Domeneghetti, M.C., Molin, G., UCámaraU, UFU., Alvaro, M., Agostini, L. (2007) Reclassification and thermal history of Trenzano chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 42, 12, 2055-2066. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb01007.x
• 51 Domeneghetti, M.C., Fioretti, A.M., UCámaraU, UFU., Molin, G. and Tazzoli, V. (2007) Thermal history of ALH84001 meteorite by Fe2+-Mg ordering in orthopyroxene. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 42, 10, 1706-1710. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00531.x
• 50 Welch, M.D., UCámaraU, UF.U, Della Ventura, G. and Iezzi, G. (2007) Non-ambient in situ studies of amphiboles. Rev Mineral Geochem, 67, 223-260. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2007.67.6
• 49 Oberti, R., Hawthorne, F.C., Cannillo, E., and UCámaraU, UF.U (2007) Long-range order in amphiboles. Rev Mineral Geochem, 67, 125-171. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2007.67.4
• 48 Oberti, R, Della Ventura, G., and UCámaraU, UF.U (2007) New amphibole compositions: natural and synthetic. Rev Mineral Geochem, 67, 89-123. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2007.67.3
• 47 Adam, J., Oberti, R., UCámaraU, UF.U, Green, T. (2007) An electron microprobe, LAM-ICP-MS and single-crystal X-ray structure refinement study of the effects of pressure, melt-H2O concentration and ƒO2 on experimentally produced basaltic amphiboles. European Journal of Mineralogy, 19, 641-655. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2007/0019-1750
• 46 Sokolova, E. and UCámaraU, UF.U (2007) From structure topology to chemical composition. III. Titanium silicates: revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of delindeite. Canadian Mineralogist, 45, 1247-1261. http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gscanmin.45.5.1247
• 45 Bianchi, R., Forni, A., UCámaraU, UFU., Oberti, R. and Ohashi, H. (2007) Experimental multipole-refined and theoretical charge density study of LiGaSi2O6 clinopyroxene at ambient conditions. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 34, 519–527. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-007-0167-5
• 44 Della Ventura, G., Bellatreccia, F., Parodi, G.C., UCámaraU, UF.U and Piccinini, M. (2007) Single-crystal FTIR and X-ray study of vishnevite, ideally [Na6(SO4)][Na2(H2O)2](Si6Al6O24). American Mineralogist, 92, 713-721. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2007.2197
• 43 McCallum, I.S., Domeneghetti, M.C., Schwartz, J.M., Mullen, E.K., Zema, M., UCámaraU, UF.,U McCammon, C., and Ganguly, J. (2006) Cooling history of lunar Mg-suite gabbronorite 76255, troctolite 76535 and Stillwater pyroxenite SC-936: the record in exsolution and ordering in pyroxenes. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 6068–6078. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2006.08.009
• 42 UCámaraU, UF.U, Ottolini, L., Devouard, B., Garvie, L.A.J. and Hawthorne, F. C. (2006) Sazhinite-(La), Na3LaSi6O15(H2O)2, a new mineral from the Aris phonolite, Namibia: Description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 70(4), 405–418. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/0026461067040343
• 41 UCámaraU, UF.,U Iezzi, G., Tiepolo, M. and Oberti, R. (2006) The crystal chemistry of lithium and Fe3+ incorporation in orthopyroxene. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 33, 475–483. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-006-0094-x
• 40 Ottolini, L., UCámaraU, UF.U and Hawthorne, F.C. (2006) Strategies for quantification of light elements in minerals by SIMS: examples for H, B and F. Microchimica Acta, 155, 229–233. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00604-006-0548-3
• 39 Chopin, C., Oberti, R. and UCámaraU, UF.U (2006) The arrojadite enigma: II. Compositional space, new members and nomenclature of the group. American Mineralogist, 91, 1260-1270. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2006.2190
• 38 UCámaraU, UF.U, Oberti, R., Chopin, C. and Medenbach, O. (2006) The arrojadite enigma: I. A new formula and a new model for the arrojadite structure. American Mineralogist, 91, 1249-1259. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2006.2189
• 37 Oberti, R., UCámaraU, UF.U, Della Ventura, G., Iezzi, G. and Benimoff, A.I. (2006) Parvo-mangano-edenite, parvo-manganotremolite and the solid solution between Ca and Mn2+ at the M4 site in amphiboles. American Mineralogist, 91, 526-532. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2006.1905
• 36 UCámaraU, UF.U, Bellatreccia, F., Della Ventura, G. and Mottana, A. (2005) Farneseite, a new mineral of the cancrinite - sodalite group with a 14-layer stacking sequence: occurrence and crystal structure. European Journal of Mineralogy, 17, 839-846. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2005/0017-0839
• 35 Bellatreccia, F., UCámaraU, UF.U, Ottolini, L., Della Ventura, G., Cibin, G. and Mottana, A. (2005) Wiluite from Ariccia, Latium (Italy): occurrence and crystal-structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 43, 1457-1468. http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gscanmin.43.5.1457
• 34 UCámaraU, UF.U and Oberti, R. (2005) The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in BLi amphiboles. American Mineralogist, 90, 1167-1176. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2005.1793
• 33 Oberti, R., UCámaraU, UF.U and Ottolini, L. (2005) Clinoholmquistite discredited: the new amphibole end-member fluoro-sodic-pedrizite. American Mineralogist, 90, 732-736. http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2005.1763
• 32 UCámaraU, UFU., Williams, C.T., Della Ventura, G., Oberti, R., and Caprilli, E. (2004) Non-metamict betafite from Le Carcarelle (Vico volcanic complex, Italy): occurrence and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 68, 939-950. D http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/0026461046860224
• 31 UCámaraU, UFU., Oberti, R., Della Ventura, G., Welch, M.D. and Maresch, W.V. (2004) The crystal-structure of synthetic NaNa2Mg5Si8O21(OH)3, a triclinic C¯1 amphibole with a triple-cell and excess hydrogen. American Mineralogist, 89, 1464-1473.
• 30 Iezzi, G., UCámaraU, UFU., Della Ventura, G., Oberti, R., Pedrazzi, G. and Robert, J.L. (2004) Synthesis, crystal structure and crystal-chemistry of ferri-clinoholmquistite, Li2Mg3Fe3+2Si8O22(OH)2. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 31, 375-385. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-004-0402-2
• 29 Oberti, R., UCámaraU, UFU. and Caballero, J.M. (2004) Ferri-ottoliniite and ferriwhittakerite, two new end-members of the new Group 5 for monoclinic amphiboles. American Mineralogist, 89, 888-893.
• 28 Ottolini, L., UCámaraU, UFU. and Devouard, B. (2004) New SIMS procedures for the characterization of a complex silicate matrix, Na3(REE,Th,Ca,U)Si6O15 2.5H2O (Sazhinite), and comparison with EMPA and SREF results. Microchim. Acta, 145, 139-146. The crystal-structure of synthetic NaNa2Mg5Si8O21(OH)3, a triclinic C¯1 amphibole with a triple-cell and excess hydrogen http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00604-003-0143-9
• 27 Iezzi, G., Della Ventura, G., Oberti, R., UCámaraU, UFU. and Holtz, F. (2004) Synthesis and crystal-chemistry of NaNaMgMg5Si8O22(OH)2, a P21/m amphibole. American Mineralogist, 89, 640-646.
• 26 Oberti, R., UCámaraU, UFU., Caballero, J.M. and Ottolini, L. (2003) Sodic-ferri-ferropedrizite and ferri-clinoferroholmquistite: mineral data and degree of order of the A-site cations in Li-rich amphiboles. Canadian Mineralogist, 41, 1345-1354. http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gscanmin.41.6.1345
• 25 UCámaraU, UFU., Oberti, R., Iezzi, G., Della Ventura, G. (2003) The P21/m C2/m phase transition in synthetic amphibole Na NaMg Mg5 Si8 O22 (OH) 2: thermodynamic and crystal-chemical evaluation. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 30, 9, 570–581. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-003-0348-9
• 24 Merli, M., UCámaraU, UFU. (2003) Topological analysis of the electron density of the clinopyroxene structure by the maximum entropy method: an exploratory study. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15, 5, 903–911. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2003/0015-0903
• 23 UCámaraU, UFU., Iezzi, G. and Oberti, R. (2003) HT-XRD study of synthetic ferrian magnesian spodumene: the effect of site dimension on the P21/c C2/c phase transition. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 30, 1, 20-30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-002-0287-x
• 22 Oberti, R., UCámaraU, UFU., Ottolini, L., and Caballero, J.M. (2003) Lithium in amphiboles: detection, quantification, and incorporation mechanisms in the compositional space bridging sodic and BLi-amphiboles. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15, 2, 309-319. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2003/0015-0309
• 21 UCámaraU, UFU., Carpenter, M.A., Domeneghetti, M.C. and Tazzoli, V. (2003) Coupling between non-convergent ordering and transition temperature in the C2/c P21/c phase transition in pigeonite. American Mineralogist, 88: 1115-1128.
• 20 Iezzi, G., Della Ventura, G., UCámaraU, UFU., Pedrazzi, G. and Robert, J.L. (2003) BNa-BLi solid-solution in A-site-vacant amphiboles: synthesis and cation ordering along the ferri-clinoferroholmquistite-riebeckite join. American Mineralogist, 88, 955-961.
• 19 Tribaudino, M., Nestola, F., UCamáraU, UFU. and Domeneghetti, M.C. (2002) The high-temperature P21/c-C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca0.15Mg1.85Si2O6): structural and thermodynamic behavior. American Mineralogist, 87, 648-657.
• 18 UCámaraU, UFU., Carpenter, M.A., Domeneghetti, M.C. and Tazzoli, V. (2002) Non-convergent ordering and displacive phase transition in pigeonite: in-situ HT XRD study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 29, 5, 331-340. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00269-002-0241-y
• 17 Ottolini, L., UCámaraU, UFU. and Hawthorne, F.C. (2002) Quantification of H, B, and F in kornerupine: Accuracy of SIMS and SREF (X-ray Single-Crystal Structure Refinement) Data. Mikrochimica Acta, 139, 125-129. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s006040200050
• 16 Merli, M., UCámaraU, UFU., Domeneghetti, M.C. and Tazzoli, V. (2002) Leverage analysis of X-ray single crystal diffraction data from orthopyroxene and pigeonite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 14, 4, 773-784. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2002/0014-0773
• 15 UCámaraU, UFU., Garvie, L.A.J., Devouard, B., Groy, T.L. and Buseck, P.R. (2002) The structure of Mn-rich tuperssuatsiaite: A palygorskite-related mineral. American Mineralogist, 87, 1458-1463.
• 14 Ottolini, L., UCámaraU, UF.U, Hawthorne, F.C. and Stirling, J. (2002) SIMS matrix effects in the analysis of light elements in silicate minerals: Comparison with SREF and EMPA data. American Mineralogist, 87, 1477-1485.
• 13 UCámaraU, UF.U, Ottolini, L. and Hawthorne, F.C. (2002) Crystal chemistry of three tourmalines by SREF, EMPA, and SIMS. American Mineralogist, 87, 1437-1442.
• 12 UCámaraU, UFU. Doukhan, J.C. and Carpenter, M.A. (2001) Lattice defects in lawsonite: a TEM investigation. Mineralogical Magazine, 65, 1, 33-39.
• 11 UCámaraU, UF.U, Doukhan, J.C. and Salje, E.K.H. (2000) Twin boundaries in anorthite arte enriched in alkali and depleted in Ca and Al. Phase Transitions, 71, 227-242. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01411590008229653
• 10 UCámaraU, UF.U, Doukhan, J.C., Domeneghetti, M.C. and Zema, M. (2000) A TEM study of Ca-rich orthopyroxenes with exsolution products: implications for Mg-Fe ordering process. European Journal of Mineralogy, 12, 4, 735-748. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0935-1221/2000/0012-0735
• 9 UCámaraU, UFU. and Ottolini, L. (2000). New data on the crystal-chemistry of fluoborite by means of SREF, SIMS and EMP analysis. American Mineralogist, 85, 103-108.
• 8 Ottolini, L, UCámaraU, UFU. and Bigi, S. (2000). An investigation of matrix effects in the analysis of fluorine in humite-group minerals by EMPA, SIMS and SREF. American Mineralogist, 85, 89-102.
• 7 Prella, D. and UCámaraU, UFU. (1999). X-ray data collection on mineral crystals by means of a position sensitive detector: advantages and disadvantages. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 214, 646-651. http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/zkri.1999.214.10.646
• 6 Garvie, L.A.J., Devouard, B., Groy, T.L., UCámaraU, UFU., and Buseck, P.R. (1999) Crystal structure of kanemite, NaHSi2O5·3H2O, from the Aris phonolite, Namibia. American Mineralogist, 84, 1170-1175.
• 5 Oberti, R., Ottolini, L., UCámaraU, UF.U and Della Ventura, G. (1999). Crystal structure of non-metamict Th-rich hellandite-(Ce) from Latium (Italy) and crystal chemistry of the hellandite-group minerals. American Mineralogist, 84, 913-921.
• 4 Oberti, R., Hawthorne, F.C., UCámaraU, UFU. and Raudsepp, M. (1999). Unusual M3+ cations in synthetic amphiboles with nominal fluoro-eckermannite composition: Deviations from stoichiometry and structural effects of the cummingtonite component. American Mineralogist, 84, 102-111, 1999.
• 3 Oberti, R., Hawthorne, F.C., UCámaraU, UFU., and Raudsepp, M. (1998). Synthetic fluoro-amphiboles: site preferences of Al, Ga, Sc and inductive effects on octahedral mean bond-lengths. Canadian Mineralogist, 36, 1245-1252.
• 2 UCámaraU, UFU., Nieto, F. and Oberti, R. (1998). Effects of Fe2+ and Fe3+ contents on cation ordering in omphacite. European Journal Mineralogy, 10, 5, 889-906.
• 1 UCámaraU, UFU. (1997). New data on the structure of norbergite: location of hydrogen by X-ray diffraction. Canadian Mineralogist, 35, 1523-1530
Elenco di pubblicazioni Non-ISI:
• 10 Bellatreccia, F., UCámaraU, UFU., Della Ventura, G., Gunter, M., Sebastiani, M. and Cavallo, A. (2011) La kircherite, un nuovo minerale del gruppo cancrinite-sodalite. Il Cercapietre, 1-2, 14-21.
• 9 Bellatreccia, F., UCámaraU, UFU., Bindi, L., Della Ventura, G., Mottana, A., Gunter, M., and Sebastiani, M. (2009) La fantappièite, nuovo minerale del gruppo cancrinite-sodalite. Il Cercapietre, 1-2, 6-15.
• 8 Bellatreccia, F., UCámaraU, UF.U and Della Ventura, G. (2006) Datolite: a new occurrence in volcanic ejecta (Pitigliano, Toscana, Italy) and crystal-structure refinement. Rendiconti Lincei Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, 17, 289–298. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02904767
• 7 Della Ventura, G., Bellatreccia, F., UCámaraU, UF.U, Oberti, F., Lorand, J.P., Parodi, G.C., Carlier, G. and Di Domenico, D. (2006) Carbon-bearing cordierite from Allumiere (Tolfa volcanic center, Latium, Italy): occurrence, crystal- structure and FTIR microspectroscopy. Periodico di Mineralogia, LXXVI, 113–126.
• 6 Bellatreccia, F., Della Ventura, G. and UCámara, F.U (2005) La wiluite di Parco Chigi, Ariccia, Roma. Il Cercapietre, 1-2, 41-49. 5 UCámara, F.U, Bellatreccia, F., Della Ventura, G. and Mottana, A. (2005) La farneseite: un nuovo minerale del gruppo cancrinite - sodalite Il Cercapietre, 1-2, 6-13.
• 4 Ottolini, L., and UCámaraU, UFU. (2000). An investigation of matrix effects in the analysis of fluorine in humite-group minerals. In A. Benninghoven, P. Bertrand, H.-N. Migeon and H.W. Werner, (Eds.). 12th Int. Conf. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Brussels, Belgium, 5-11 September 1999. Elselvier Science B.V. 365-368.
• 3 UCámaraU, UFU. (1997) Crystalchemical study of metamorphic minerals in basic rocks of the Nevado-Filábride Comples (SE Spain). Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía, 19 (2), 193-195.
• 2 Férriz, F.J., Fernández-Soler, J.M. and UCámaraU, UFU. (1994) Presencia de afloramientos de lamproítas en las proximidades de Moratalla (Murcia). Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía. 17, 231-239.
• 1 Gómez-Pugnaire, M.T. and UCámaraU, UF.U (1990).La asociación de alta presión distena + talco + fengita coexistente con escapolita en metapelitas de origen evaporítico (Complejo Nevado-Filábride, Cordilleras Béticas). Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España. 3:, 373-384.